
6 Million

Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 13:13:02 -0800 (PST)
From: SONIC 
To: tricia
Subject: dream
i had a dream last night that you were in. first, i went to some friend's house and it turned out that he was super rich, had this huge pad with many floors and cool shit in it. made me kinda angry, he was a total slacker "artist" kind of guy. then i saw you there and there was this stupid guy with his arms around you, and i thought "whatever works to keep her from getting lonely while caleb is gone. this guy is too stupid to win her heart," and you said, "what the hell are you doing here?" and i was scared that you didn't like me anymore, and then you and i were in an airplane flying over the city, and i didn't have a seatbelt on and was clinging to the outside of the airplane. it was open, like a convertible. then i clipped in and we landed on a roof top, where steuer was waiting for us. he told us that he had gotten 6 million in funding and it made everything all right again, and we both started beating the shit out of him.


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        /   '  \
       /    ^   \          ...eh
________________________________________Nante okina niku no katamari desho

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