

Pam, Jeanne, Matt, Ming, Bob, myself, and others were in a library. I opened a door to a big staircase. We snuck up and someone turned on a light. I said, "oh no," because I knew someone in the library saw the light through the crack under the door and they were going to come after us.

We crept up the stairs because you're not allowed to run in libraries. The adults crept after us whispering, "come down! You're not allowed up there!" We walked slowly and they slowly chased us. At the top there were dusty brown floorboards, high ceilings, and lots of old fashioned furniture arranged in the big attic, like a living room or something, with lamps.

There were a whole bunch of kids and this gorgeous guy grabbed my hand and said, "let's hide behind this couch." So we did, but realized all the lamps are on and the adults must know we were up here. I turned one of them off and then I noticed one big standing brass lamp was on right above us. I whispered to the gorgeous guy, who turned into Pam (great) that they would see us when they turn the lamp off.

Pam said, "when I count to three, crawl under the couch." She did but I couldn't fit (?!!). A blonde lady came to turn off the lamp and said, "you two get out," then kicked Pam. No one else was discovered. The grown-ups followed us downstairs.

We tried to find a way to sneak past them and get back up to all our friends, but it was impossible. We saw another flight of stairs that paired off on the landing and led to another section. We waited for the adults to go away but they sat on the stairs to discuss something. So we went up anyway.

That part of the attic was just like the other, except one set of furniture was red. The other attic had dusty pastels, like the lavender couch we had hidden behind. Anyway, there were two stacks of comic books and all the covers showed a face and a full body shot. Weird people like She-Hulk and all the comic characters, Laser-Man, etc. They all looked evil and Pam and I were horrified. I said, "these must be the people who built this house and mysteriously disappeared!"

We saw a big red button on the floor and thought maybe it was for a secret door that would open into the other attic where our friends were. Suddenly all the adults were swarming around, oohing and ahhing like it was a big archaeological find. We didn't want to tell them about the red button.

I went downstairs and found a big shiny metal flashlight on a stack of magazines in the kitchen (which looked like our Shanghai kitchen). I thought that was good, even though there was sufficient lighting in the attic.

I went back up and Pam pushed the button. Too late, we discovered it was the button that released all the bad guys from the comic books. They were running around and Pam and I were terrified because we knew if we didn't push the button again, they would take over the world. However, they were guarding the button and we were running away from them, weirdos like the Sandman and evil Batmen and Robins. Finally, Pam leapt between Fire-Woman's yellow legs and hit the button. All the bad guys screamed and crawled into a hole.

It was several years later and a big hotel had been built up where the attic was. I was wearing a strange black dress, walking by a fashion show. A guy model gave me an appraising look. (He was the one in my other dream where he was an 8 year old and I was his governess restraining myself, but in this dream he was older.)

I went to a swimming pool and jumped in, wearing a black leotard. Mrs. Wenger, in a striped suit, ripped Kim's suit off and said, "this is nice." Kim said, "thank you," and put it back on. Then I noticed that I had my left arm in the right armhole of the leotard and my right arm was bare, with the left leotard arm hanging down my back. I tried to switch arms, which is hard in a tight leotard, especially wet, and backed up for privacy.

I looked up and the cute model smiled down at me. Suddenly, someone dunked me. My eyes opened and in slow motion I watched my right contac float out of my eye. It flew straight into the air and floated around in bubbles. I dashed through the water trying to catch it. I finally did and couldn't believe my luck.

I took my other contac out and went to the restroom with one in each hand. I tried to put them in my case but they were hard and dirty. I attempted to wash them without getting them scratched by all the sand in the case. The gorgeous model walked in with his gorgeous friend and we pretended not to see each other, even though we were the only people in the bathroom.

Finally I finished and said, "oh, hi." and then we were walking when suddenly (DUN DUN DUN!) Pam and I saw a stack of comics in a store window with the red button! A little boy was about to push the button! We ran in and threw the kid across the store ("aaaaah!"). I took a crayon and wrote DANGEROUS on one of the comics, except I misspelled it DANGERES.

I was trying to correct it when Steve Edwards came up to me and said they had the tape recording I was going to give Michael Tan with me making gross noises. I said, "I never made a recording like that!" He said he would play it, and I was a little freaked because what if I was drunk or something and I did do that? Steve put it on and there was nothing but silence. Then he flipped the tape and I was scared and Michael was there with a whole bunch of other people waiting to hear me making gross sounds on the tape...! Hawaiian music came on and everyone laughed.

A voice said over a loudspeaker, "will passengers of flight blah blah please go to waiting room number six." I went and it was just like any other airport, everyone sitting and waiting. The loudspeaker voice said, "will everyone please do the cha-cha to gate 3D." Everyone stood up and started doing the cha-cha. I felt really dumb, because I didn't know how to do the cha-cha. A lady in front of me with long blonde hair and blue high heels was with me, laughing and doing the cha-cha, too. I looked behind me and saw lots of stuff left in the waiting room, bags, jackets, etc. I bounced along behind everyone cha-chaing.

Half the people went on side B and half on side 15. I went on 13 and saw Mike go on 15, which made me sad. When I was seated on the big plane, Mike traded his ticket with the guy sitting next to me and sat there! I smiled but didn't look at him. Then I did and he leaned over and...

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