
Falling Trees

The following is a transcript from the space bar.

sonic/mensa pussy: so, it started out with me in a hotel, wearing a strange
     red outfit, kinda fancy like i was just in a play.  i had blue eyeshadow
     on, shorter hair, and was slightly plump
sonic/mensa pussy: "plump" to me means "not scrawny"
sonic/mensa pussy: shutup and listen
vagabond/on the run[Broadcast]: shutup and listen!
sonic/mensa pussy: so then i went to the basement, where squishy was waiting
     for a train with a friend that he was going to take some trip with.  
sonic/mensa pussy: i got angry with him because he was going to leave in
     half an hour, but instead of talking to me he was talking to this guy
     he was going on the trip with
sonic/mensa pussy: so i dumped him.
ubu/ : heh
sonic/mensa pussy: then i was walking through a long hall in the hotel,
     going to my room.
sonic/mensa pussy: i noticed an acrylic tube behind a potted plant. 
	thinking it was a 6 foot graphix, i grabbed it
sonic/mensa pussy: however, it was very heavy and jaggedly broken on the
     end.  it kinda freaked me out- why was it behind a plant in the hotel
     hall?  so i stuck it back quickly, wiped my fingerprints, and looked
sonic/mensa pussy: there were some people coming down the hall, so i lay
     down on a couch and pretended i was asleep.  they stood near and
     talked- something they said made me realize i had to get my shit and
     get out of the hotel fast.
sonic/mensa pussy: i rushed to my room, grabbed my little black suitcase,
     and came back out.  i was worried that if they were looking for me,
     they'd catch me at the lobby elevators.  but walking down 60 flights of
     stairs wasn't expedient, so i took the elevator.
sonic/mensa pussy: next i was in the sunshine, standing in a soccer field. 
     i didn't have a bag and was no longer the plump person in a red dress.
sonic/mensa pussy: my thoughts were full of explosions- bombs, trees and
     shit flying from the explosions, and how one would best avoid all the
     falling debris.
sonic/mensa pussy: i wondered why i was thinking all these violent thoughts.
      then i looked up and saw a bomb falling out of the sky, VERY close!
ubu/ : (note: did you see Zabryskie Point recently ? ... the explosions
     thing that is)
sonic/mensa pussy: i turned around and started running as fast as i could,
     glancing behind my sholder every now and then.  the bomb hit the ground
     with a big explosion, more smoke and clouds than fire (kinda like a
     nuclear bomb).
sonic/mensa pussy: (no)
sonic/mensa pussy: one sec, phone
vagabond/on the run: No!
sonic/mensa pussy: i'm back
agro/pocketfull of url's: I am front 
sonic/mensa pussy: yay!
ubu/ : cd /dreams/sonic/tell.tell ?
sonic/mensa pussy: hee hee
agro/pocketfull of url's: > no such directory or file 
ubu/ : dang
-- #12 Logged on channel 34: molly/fuckity fucking fuck
sonic/mensa pussy: ok, so now there are giant trees hurtling through the air
     and crashing around me
molly/fuckity fucking fuck: whoa, sonic. are you in twister?
sonic/mensa pussy: i'm dashing and dodging and trying not to die
sonic/mensa pussy: it's a dream, molly
sonic/mensa pussy: at one point i'm dashing down a hillside that was once a
     forest, but now is just layers and layers of old, dead trees.
sonic/mensa pussy: which you can imagine is very treacherous territory to
     run full speed over while giant young trees are hurtling out of the
ubu/ : indeed
sonic/mensa pussy: (fuck this stupid attachment i'm trying to mail is
sonic/mensa pussy: finally i get far enough so the trees are no longer
     falling around me.
sonic/mensa pussy: i'm on a nice forest path with trees bending over and
     sheltering it, rather like you would imagine a "lover's lane"
sonic/mensa pussy: there are some other young people who also survived the
-- #18 Joined channel 34: dipwick/driler thriller
panic/hrm.: hi dip.
dipwick/driler thriller: hi
ubu/ :  go slow Dip.
sonic/mensa pussy: we find a house with no one home, and go in.
sonic/mensa pussy: i'm wandering around and there is a TV or radio playing,
     talking about the explosion.
sonic/mensa pussy: i wander into a child's room and the tv/radio says, "the
     US Army is sending patrols out to rescue the people who ran from the
sonic/mensa pussy: at the same time, out of the bedroom window i see three
     giant camoflauge painted helicopters fly over the horizon.
sonic/mensa pussy: one of them tries to land and flips over on it's back. 
     the other two make wobbly landings, and people in camoflauge get out.
sonic/mensa pussy: i see some of the young people who ran walk and run
     towards the helicopters, waving their hands excitedly.  "yay", i think
sonic/mensa pussy: then i see the people in camoflauge grab the other people
     and do something, and then the other people fall to the ground. 
     "shit!", i think.
sonic/mensa pussy: i start running through the house, and hear a door slam. 
     i look around desperately for a place to hide.
sonic/mensa pussy: in another kid's room, i see these white fake fur
     curtains in a corner near the bed.  i rush over there and try
     desperately to wrap them around me.  there are combat boot footsteps
     coming closer.
sonic/mensa pussy: i end up crunching down on the floor in the corner and
     trying to wrap the white fur around me.  a blonde woman in camoflauge
     enters the room, stands over me, and punctures my neck with a small
     plastic device.
sonic/mensa pussy: "why are you doing this to us?" i scream, "you're
     supposed to help us!"
sonic/mensa pussy: she says, "we don't want people to think you ran away
     from us!"
sonic/mensa pussy: "of course we didn't run away from you!  there was a
     BOMB.  we ran away from FALLING TREES".  i'm absolutely enraged.  i
     grab the plastic thing and jab her in the neck with it.
sonic/mensa pussy: she slips to the ground.  totally groggy and trying to
     resist succumbing to the drug, i stagger out of the house into the
     woods and start running away again, with a few other people who
     escaped as well.
sonic/mensa pussy: the end.
napkin/meat: ack.
ubu/ : hmmmm
napkin/meat: more
sonic/mensa pussy: heh, it's the end.
sonic/mensa pussy: you can read the dreams on my page.  the one with the bat
     people is the best one
bemorgan/morgan: That was ... interestng.
sonic/mensa pussy: my problem is i'm a sucky writer, so it's hard for me to
     get this shit on my page
sonic/mensa pussy: it's one thing to babble it in person or online, quite
     another to put it up as static text
sonic/mensa pussy: i love remembering my dreams!!!!  yay!!!~!
tyde/Cenosilicaphobia: hmmmmmm
ubu/ : hmmmmm
tyde/Cenosilicaphobia: crrrraaaazy.
ubu/ : this is worth analyzing
napkin/meat: no.  don't
napkin/meat: kills it
sonic/mensa pussy: i think analyzing dreams is FUN!!!!!
sonic/mensa pussy: everyone analyze away!
ubu/ : heh
ubu/ : i think squishy leaving/talking to someone else and then you dump him
     is you giving up security of some kind.. in work or otherwise....
     though note it isnt initiated by you ... 
bemorgan/morgan: All right ... more about the red in the outfit in the
     hotel.  What shade was it?
sonic/mensa pussy: WHEEEE. if i like someone's analysis can i put it up with
     the dream on my page?
sonic/mensa pussy: giving UP security?  hmmmm
ubu/ : and then the hotel things... you are hounded by something .... you
     feel threatened..then pursued.... (add to you leaving some sorta secure
sonic/mensa pussy: it was like a burgendy/maroon red, not a hooker red.
ubu/ : and then bombs. explosions... images all around ... 
vagabond/on the run: Trippy.
sonic/mensa pussy: heh.  "trippy"
napkin/meat: BUt butbut dear ubu (ok i'll bite)  if she was pissed off by
     him talkng to someone else, don't you think that would represent
     security within by choosing to leave him?
ubu/ : the world outside is falling apart... making you run further...
     escaping... May i suggest ... the un-web world threatens you and
     others.. therse are others ... 
bemorgan/morgan: There's definitely an element of unknown forces driving you
     from place to place.  Something out of your control.
-- #14 Joined channel 34: flux/burned beyond recognition
ubu/ : they all run ... like a little SF-web-MM-gulch group running from all
     others threatening them = bombs... maybe even the CDA thing angle
napkin/meat: yeah cause you never find out what it is..or who is behind the
sonic/mensa pussy: ubu: CDA thing doesn't worry me much.
ubu/ : but you escape, as do some others.... the people who come after you
     wear familiar  uniforms... USArmy you said
bemorgan/morgan: The one army helicopter flipping over ... an interesting
     thing to me.
sonic/mensa pussy: hee hee. i like napkin's comment re dumping
ubu/ : no not CDA directly, just the whole opposition to the perceived

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